K3LR Emergency Communications

K3LR is a participating member of the Mercer County emergency communications network associated with the Mercer County Emergency Management Agency http://www.mcc.co.mercer.pa.us/DPS/ema.htm

The K3LR station participates in the weekly Pennsylvania emergency testing network in association with the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) http://www.usraces.org/ and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/pscm/sec1-ch1.html with W3JTV as control operator.

K3LR was involved in Emergency communications http://arrl.org/pio/emergen1.html during the 1985 Mercer County tornado and received special commendation for outstanding emergency communications from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) http://www.arrl.org Western Pennsylvania Section Manager.

K3LR has participated in several hurricane communications programs over the past 20 years providing health and welfare relay service to many via critical high frequency communication’s links. http://www.spacetoday.org/k3rxk/EmergencyComms.html

K3LR is a trained SKYWARN observer http://www.skywarn.org


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